Marquette & Wisconsin Disappoint In College Free Speech Rankings
The University of Wisconsin and Marquette University ranked average and below average respectively in the FIRE and College Plus 2022-2023 College Free Speech Rankings. Wisconsin ranked #98 out of 208 schools with low ratings in most categories. Marquette ranked #184 out of 208 and has especially low ratings for everything except disruptive conduct.
Every school on the list, including #1 University of Chicago, lists quotes from students that feel they must hide thoughts that oppose the popular opinion of either their professors or fellow students in order to pass a class or not be socially shunned. The ratings were calculated from student survey results so this essentially provides a sampling of student perceptions of their chosen schools' speech climate. Unease appears to be common across the board.
These students notice, or at least believe, that their university does not respond well to differing opinions so they submit to the status quo to avoid retribution on their way to a diploma. I wonder how many of these students have voiced a (perceived) unpopular opinion in class or elsewhere? One person mentions that they don't want to discuss abortion at Marquette because "most students on campus are anti-choice." This represents an old problem; societies do not tend to encourage or enjoy people that push against what's expected. Expectations differ from group to group but the general principal remains. Could it be fear of a harsh reproach stops people from even trying it out or have these students witnessed repercussions firsthand? Perhaps this is what makes recognizing the problem and moving away from it such a slog (which people will also avoid.)
Placidity is society's equilibrium; employees of a university need to be humble and constantly pushing to facilitate a healthy exchange of differing ideas in their classrooms in order to shift the default towards something substantial. If all are quiet and/or there is hardly any disagreement voiced then you have work to do. Much like within business or solid relationships dissent helps strengthen good ideas and expose bad ones. Universities will benefit after students graduate and discover the vital confidence and skills they gained that are necessary to communicate effectively as adults.